Privacy Policy
Yolanda Gallardo Porral makes this privacy policy available to you through the website in order to inform you, in detail, about how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy and the information you provide us. If we introduce changes to it in the future, we will inform you throught the website or through other means so that you can be aware of the new privacy conditions introduced.

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, we inform you of the following:
Data Controller
Telephone: 696204852 – E-mail
Web page:
/*Only if there is DPD
If you have any questions, doubts or suggestions regarding how we use your personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at the following email adress: Email DPD*/

For what purpose do we process your personal data?
At YOLANDA GALLARDO PORRAL we collect and process your personal information in general to manage the relationship we have with you. The main purposes we have indentified are the folloving:
Management and contracting of the products and services offered by our company.
Channeling requests for information, suggestions and complaints that you may send us
Keeping you informed about events, offers, products and services that may be of interest to you through different communication channels provided that you have given your consent.
Management of the employment relationship, in the case of our employees.
Management of the commercial relationship maintained with our suppliers

How do we collect your information?
We collect your personal information through different means, but you will always be informed at the time of collection through information clauses about ther person responsible for the processing, the purpose and legal basis thereof, the recipients of the data and the period of conservation of your information, as well as the way in which you can exercise your rights in terms of data protection.
In general, the personal information we process is limited to identification data (name and surname, date of birth, adress, ID, telephone number and email), contracted services and payment and billing data.
In the case of personnel management and selection, we collect academic and professional data in order to meet the obligations arising from maintaining the employment relationship or, where appropriate, to become part of our staff.
YOLANDA GALLARDO PORRAL uses social media and this is another way to reach you. The information collected through the messages and communications you post may contain personal information that is avilable online and accessible to the public. These social media have their own privacy policies that explain how they use and share your information, so Yolanda Gallardo Porral recommends that you consult them before using them to confirm that you agree with the way your information is collected, processed and shared.
Through our website we collect personal information related to your browsing throug the use of cookies. To clearly and precisely know the cookies we use, what their purposes are and how you can configure or disable them, consult our Cookies Policy.
User responsibility
By providing us with your data through electronic channels, the user guarantees that he or she is over 14 years old and that the data provided to Yolanda Gallardo Porral is true, accurate, complete and up to date. For these purposes, the user confirms that he/she is responsible for the veracity of the data provided and that he/she will keep said information conveniently updated so that is reflects his/her real situation, assuming responsibility for any false or inaccurate data that he/she may provide, as well as for any direct or indirect damages that may arise.
How long we do retain your information?
At Yolanda Gallardo Porral we only retain your information for the period of time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, comply with the legal obligations imposed on us and address any potential liabilities that may arise from fulfilling the purpose for which the data was collected.
In any case, and as a general rule, we will keep your personal information as long as there is a contractual relationship that binds us or you do not exercise your right to erasure and/or limitation of processing, in which case, the information will be blocked without use beyond its conservation, as long as it may be necessary for the exercise or defense of claims or some type of liability that must be addressed may arise.
To whom do we communicate your data?
In general, at Yolanda Gallardo Porral we do not share your personal information, except for those transfers that we must make based on imposed legal obligations.
Likewise, your personal information will be available to Public Administrations, Judges and Courts, to address any potencial liabilities arising from the processing.

International data transfers

There are no international transfers of your data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
What are your rights regarding the processing of your data and how can you exercise them?
Data protection regulations allow you to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of data and opposition and limitation to its processing, as well as not to be subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, where applicable.
These rights are characterised by the following:
Their exercise is free of charge, unless the requests are manifestly unfounded or exessive (e.g., repetitive in nature), in which case Yolanda Gallardo Porral may charge a fee proportional to the administrative costs incurred or refuse to act
You may exercise your rights directly or through your legal or voluntary representative
We must respond to your request within one month, althrough, taking into account the complexity and number of requests, the deadline may be extended by another two months.
We are obliged to inform you about the means to exercise these rights, which must be accessible and we cannot deny you the exercise of the right for the sole reason that you choose another means. If the request is submitted by electronic means, the information will be provided by these means whenever possible, unless you request otherwise.

If Yolanda Gallardo Porral does not process the request, she will inform you, within one month at the latest, of the reasons for her failure to act and the possibility of filing a claim with a Control Authority.
A fin de facilitar su ejercicio, le facilitamos los enlaces al formulario de solicitud de cada uno de los derechos:
Formulario ejercicio del derecho de acceso
Formulario de ejercicio del derecho de rectificación
Formulario de ejercicio del derecho de oposición
Formulario de ejercicio del derecho de supresión (derecho “al olvido”)
Formulario de ejercicio del derecho a la limitación del tratamiento
Formulario de ejercicios del derecho a la portabilidad
Formulario de ejercicio a no ser objeto de decisiones individuales automatizadas
Para ejercer sus derechos YOLANDA GALLARDO PORRAL pone a su disposición los siguientes medios:
1. Mediante solicitud escrita y firmada dirigida a YOLANDA GALLARDO PORRAL, QUARTER PONENT 10, PLA DEL REMEI, SANTA MARIA DE PALAUTORDERA, 08460 BARCELONA (BUZON 2) Ref. Ejercicio de Derechos LOPD.
2. Enviando formulario escaneado y firmado a la dirección de correo electrónico quarter ponent 10, pla del remei, Santa Maria de Palautordera, 08460 barcelona indicando en el asunto Ejercicio de Derechos LOPD.
En ambos casos, deberá acreditar su identidad acompañando fotocopia o en su caso, copia escaneada, de su DNI o documento equivalente para poder verificar que sólo damos respuesta al interesado o su representante legal, debiendo aportar en este caso documento acreditativo de la representación.
Asimismo, y especialmente si considera que no ha obtenido satisfacción plena en el ejercicio de sus derechos, le informamos que podrá presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad nacional de control dirigiéndose a estos efectos a la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, C/ Jorge Juan, 6 – 28001 Madrid.
¿Cómo protegemos su información?
En YOLANDA GALLARDO PORRAL nos comprometemos a proteger su información personal.
Utilizamos medidas, controles y procedimientos de carácter físico, organizativo y tecnológico, razonablemente fiables y efectivos, orientados a preservar la integridad y la seguridad de sus datos y garantizar su privacidad.
Además, todo el personal con acceso a los datos personales ha sido formado y tiene conocimiento de sus obligaciones con relación a los tratamientos de sus datos personales.
Todas estas medidas de seguridad son revisadas de forma periódica para garantizar su adecuación y efectividad.
Sin embargo, la seguridad absoluta no se puede garantizar y no existe ningún sistema de seguridad que sea impenetrable por lo que, en el caso de cualquier información objeto de tratamiento y bajo nuestro control se viese comprometida como consecuencia de una brecha de seguridad, tomaremos las medidas adecuadas para investigar el incidente, notificarlo a la Autoridad de Control y, en su caso, a aquellos usuarios que se hubieran podido ver afectados para que tomen las medidas adecuadas.

AVISO1: Si del análisis realizado se desprende que su empresa debe tener contratado un Delegado de Protección de Datos, no olvide consignar la dirección de correo electrónico en la que los interesados pueden ponerse en contacto con él.
AVISO2: Si utiliza cookies, no olvide enlazar al documento de Política de Cookies en el apartado ¿Cómo recabamos su información?
AVISO3: No olvide definir un plazo máximo de conservación de los CV de los candidatos e incluirlo en la política de privacidad en el apartado ¿Cuánto conservamos su información?
AVISO4: No olvide definir un plazo máximo de conservación de los datos de los potenciales clientes e incluirlo en la política de privacidad en el apartado ¿Cuánto conservamos su información?
AVISO5: Si los tratamientos que realiza bajo las tecnologías seleccionadas presentan alguna característica particular no contemplada en esta Política de Privacidad en relación con finalidades, datos tratados, categorías de interesados, comunicaciones de datos o plazos de conservación de la información, deberá actualizar el contenido de los apartados correspondientes y hacer referencia explícita a esas singularidades.